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The following companies/organizations have used LIFING.

"I experienced the software LIFING while supervising a PhD student in the year 2016-2018. The broad palette of multiaxial fatigue criteria available in LIFING has been effectively exploited during this doctoral research concerning fatigue life assessment of valve actuators produced by a leading manufacturing company. I appreciate the rigorous implementation in LIFING of all the most important multiaxial criteria available in the literature, featuring an easy-to-use approach. In the current release 3.3 I enjoy very much the new addition of criteria for fatigue life assessment based on frequency domain. LIFING can be indeed a useful tool for fatigue design as well as for advanced applications in the field of structural integrity of metallic components".

A. Spagnoli

Full Professor at University of Parma

"LIFING has provided us with a cost effective and time effective solution for performing fatigue and damage tolerance analysis on new and existing designs.

The software integrates very well with our existing Nastran based FEA packages, which has enabled its rapid deployment on our aircraft sustainment projects.

The ability to handle and easily manipulate complex load spectra has been particularly useful for our applications.

We have been very pleased with the high level of quality technical support provided by the development team, and offer Lifing our strong recommendation to any organisation looking add to their design and analysis capability".


Ben Terrell

Engineering Manager at Aquila Engineering (Australia)



"LIFING is able to guarantee an accurate and complete fatigue analysis of metallic mechanical components, combining these aspects with a strong time effect and with a user-friendly interface.
For my case-study, this software was able to provide not only the correct life assessment of the component but also the location of the crack’s nucleation with a very good agreement with the experimental evidence in a complex situation where all the possible crack starting points were near.
I really appreciated the prompt technical support provided by the R&D team, really very qualified and able to satisfy all the questions and the requirements done in this utilization year, helping me in deadlines compliance.
I recommend the use of this software to all the companies that are looking for a real improvement instrument for their design capability".

Matteo Riboli
R&D Engineer at FLOWSERVE – Limitorque and PhD student at DICATeA – University of Parma

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