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QUICK 2D FEM is a 2D FEM generator/solver which is included in the LIFE module (from release 2.4 on).

It is used to quickly estimate the stress status in 2D (plane stress or plane strain) models. For example Stress Concentration Factors Kt can be immediately calculated, for quick fatigue assessments.

The input file is simple: with few lines the FEM geometry and boundary conditions can be defined.

The user doesn't define nodes or elements, only edges (extremity points and number of elements) end number of elements (see example on the right).

The module has an internal mesh generator (propagating front algorithm) which automatically create the mesh.

The FEM is therefore solved with its internal solver.

A result file is dumped with node displacements and stresses (the user decides whether centroid or nodal stresses shall be retrieved). The user can decide also to dump grid point force balance and constraint forces.

QUICK 2D FEM can be used within a crack propagation analysis as well. In this case the model is generated within the module LIFE, then in the module GROWTH the user can introduce one or more cracks and generate Stress Intensity Factor curves.

Calculated SIF curves can be directly used to calculate the crack growth life curve within the module GROWTH or other external, third party, packages.

The 2D mesher in QUICK2DFEM module can be used to generate extruded solid FEM from a planar mesh. The extrusion can be linear or circumferential. In the second case patches with holes can be generated.

With a dedicated command, the 3D mesh can incorporate a crack front with a template of elements for the calculation of M-Integral.

With this feature, not only stress concentration factors can be easily calculated in generic 3D models, but also Stress Intensity Factors at the crack front.

QUICK2DFEM functions include the possibility to generate a joint with a pin in contact, which can have initial interference or clearance.

Crack Growth, with Primary and/or secondary cracks at such joints is possible.

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