LIFING is conceived to be used in conjunction with an imported FEM, however by means of the integrated tool QUICK2DFEM (see dedicated web page under menu UTILITIES), the user can generate some models for quick assessments (for example evaluating stress concentration factors or also calculating stress intensity factors by solving the FEM with the integrated solver.
The geometries shown below can be automatically generated (in case of specific geometries, these can be generated by editing the QUICK2DFEM file.

LIFING offers also the possibility to derive, from the sequences extracted by two 'virtual' strain gauges placed at a joint, the related bypass load and bearing load.

LIFING calculates M-Integral in 3D FEM generated with the integrated QUICK2D FEM (by extrusion of a 2D mesh).
However if the conventional template of elements/nodes shown below is used in an external FEM, LIFING can calculate the M-Integral from an ASCII file containing the nodes positions and displacements.